Windows software:
System Require: win xp SP3, win7 win8, win10
DownLoad windows software NEJE_V4.3_1004_EN.exe
DownLoad N-Scanner V1.0_EN.apk ( only supports Android phone ,work with windows software)
If your operating system does not have the Microsoft 4.0 environment installed, you need to reinstall the operating environment. If the software can be opened directly, you can ignore it:
DownLoad .net framework4.0.exe
Android APP Install
Attention:Before opening the software, please start the machine's power and top switch
System Requirements:(android 4.0 above, Bluetooth 4.0 support)
Step1: Scan QR code or click install the app by your android phone or android pad.
Step2: Turn on Bluetooth in the phone settings.
Attention:The phone settings just make sure that the phone's Bluetooth function is turned on and that the connection to the machine is in the app interface.
Step3: open the app.
Attention:Before opening the app, please start the machine's power and top switch, Make sure the machine is on.
IOS APP Install
Attention:Before opening the software, please start the machine's power and top switch
System Requirements:(iOS 11.3.1 above, Bluetooth 4.0 support)
Step1: Scan QR code or click install the app by your iphone or itouch.
Step2: Turn on Bluetooth in the phone settings.
Attention:The phone settings just make sure that the phone's Bluetooth function is turned on and that the connection to the machine is in the app interface.
Step3: open the app.
Attention:Before opening the app, please start the machine's power and top switch, Make sure the machine is on.